Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What to do when 35,000 feet in the air.

Add "registering to vote" to the list.

You can now register to vote at 35,000 feet. Lauren Fox, USNews.com

Starting Tuesday, guests can register to vote on all of Virgin America's flights, about 1,000 flights a day.
The voter registration drive is in cooperation with "Rock the Vote," a non-partisan voter registration organization targeted at young voters, that hopes to get 1.5 million new voters engaged in time for the 2012 election.

This is something I would hope catches on at other airlines.  Sure, Spirit would charge a $10 democracy fee, Southwest would register people dozens of times and United voters would find their registration processed after the election but you need to start somewhere.

There is the problem of angering the "True the Vote" crowd, who would obviously demand voting monitors to ensure no registration hanky-panky was being committed by Sir. Richard Branson.  I agree.  As a matter of fact, I volunteer to staff one of those flights as a registration watcher provided it initiates out of IAH and allows me to spend a week in Hawaii during the Summer months.  I'm sure y'all can work out the rest of the domestic schedule yourselves.

Note: Hat tip to MilePoint for the link.

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