Monday, May 18, 2020

COVID: The Slow, Gradual re-opening of our souls

Over the weekend we started to see some very public signs that the world was coming out of its State-mandated slumber.

In Germany, soccer was played, albeit without fans, but real, live soccer was played. Here in the State's there was some golf. Granted, not the PGA style golf that we're used to, but players lugging around their own bags, being miked up, and only one guy touching the flags, while another one carried around a rake, was at least something. NASCAR held a race, again without fans, and for the first time in six weeks we had to be nervous for the driver when watching a wreck.

Some, not all, States are allowing some businesses to open. Here in Texas restaurants can once again welcome some customers inside to dine, nail salons and barbers can paint nails and cut hair again. Little signs of normalcy. (Side note: get that hair cut folks, some of you are looking a little rough)

Since this was, and might be again, a gambling blog, it's important here to discuss casinos beginning to slowly reopen. Louisiana, my 'local' allowed casinos to open today, and they have, at 25% occupancy and with strict protocols in place. I am not going to be one to rush out of visit.  As it stands now I'm planning in the 2nd half of June for my first foray. I'm looking forward to it. A nice long video poker session coupled with a Tito's and soda (or three, or four) is just what this writer needs.

The point is that people need interaction, we're social creatures after all, for the most part anyway. As this went on and on and drug out there was evidence that people were finding creative ways to get out and do things. This seemed to be working out pretty well in most places but, in a few States (California & New York for example) we saw that the worst crime in the world was defying the rulers. Governors who emptied the prisons of criminals were fining and locking up people who had the temerity to question authority. 

Maybe it's not a coincidence that the States suffering from the worst outbreaks, also have some of the worst elected officials, who were wrongly given glowing coverage by the media before the true stories started coming out?

The long and short of this is that no reopening plan, even the most thoughtfully crafted ones, will be successful without you.

I don't mean in terms of getting out. That decisions is up to you and entirely dependent on your circumstances. What I mean is that IF you decide to go out, the success of this plan is going to depend on you practicing social distancing, wearing PPE effectively, and continuing to practice good hygiene.

Until we get an effective vaccine this is going to be the new reality for all of us and I don't think that's going to change soon.  We're going to have to adjust and get the economy moving, and get people's jobs back so that they can care for their families.

Doing this the correct way should determine whether or not we have to shelter in place again.  I say SHOULD because I'm not sure that it WILL based on what we're seeing from our rulers today.

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