Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'm already bored (and done) with this election season.

If you spend any time watching the Olympics then you undoubtedly know what America Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has been told to believe in by her handlers. (read: Barak Obama's people)

Yes, we get it. An America where the working class are suddenly given things that two decades of Democratic rule have taken away from them. a fair shake for the "working man" and....abortion.

It's Hope! It's Love! It's Fairness!  It's leading to endless dreck like this and this.

Please make it stop. At this point, between the hokey media coverage of Harris/Walz and Trump's continuous droning on and on and on and on about well....himself, the campaign has already grown tiresome.

If you've read this blog for any period of time now, you know that I gave up on politics a long time ago. I don't vote, I just don't care. After 23 years of working with governments at all levels at my place of employment I've learned that it doesn't really matter who is in charge, which party gets to claim victory. The graft and political favors just go to different people, but they still go regardless of who is in power.

Whether it's a Democrat or Republican government they're still going to make sure your taxpayer dollars go to their political patrons. The people who supported them and got them into office are going to get PAID, it's just that the names on the checks are different.

And the politicians themselves are going to engorge themselves on the public largesse. Yes, even bastions of the little guy like Bernie Sanders and "The Squad" are getting rich off the public teat. The only good place to be in an authoritarian government is in the Politburo after all.  You (and I) are not there, they are.

While there might be some window dressing around the edges that looks a little different the window of politics for both parties is the same. For Democrats, they want to make sure that the people who have been with them since the days of Al Gore making a movie that contained multiple factual errors get theirs. For the GOP it's their friends in the petrochemical industry.

That energy security probably means a mix of oil, solar, geothermal and nuclear is not the point. You government doesn't give a shit if you freeze in the dark, as long as their political patrons get paid. And the greatest crime against humanity is that our politicians have wasted Trillions of dollars trying to prevent climate change instead of investing Trillions on how to DEAL with it. Leadership?  You wish.

So now we're facing a long, bleak election season with the top of the ticket race being a match-up between Barack Obama's Avatar and.....The Orange One.

The honest truth here is that, no matter who wins, we all lose.

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