Tuesday, August 6, 2024

News Round-up (08/06/2024)

 The "Yay!!! I have A/C back" edition.....

I'm still not entirely convinced that AI is going to revolutionize the way we do business, but our politicians are stupid enough that it might impact how we live (or don't live) our lives.

At this point does it really even matter?

*snicker* He's such an angry little man at this point. Here then is a more reasoned take. Probably better to take the latter over the unhinged ranting of the former eh?

Hello Houston. Yes, it's hot Damn hot.  Remember to drink a ton of fluids and stay hydrated.

At what point do we just feel really sorry for Houston's incoming Police Chief? On another note, is there any City Department that did not almost totally implode during the Turner Administration?

Speaking of useless and the Houston Chronicle At what point do we all admit that this Editorial Board has long outlived it's usefulness and should just be shuttered with the headcount and resources redeployed to the newsroom?

RIP to the Bayou Bucket  Sad.  But, this is going to be the norm as College Football continues it's inevitable march to NFL Lite.

The problem when you get partisan political sports writers is ugly, partisan columns such as this This is just a poorly written screed whose main target are the great unwashed. Some nuance is much needed on this topic. Sadly, modern media lacks either the intelligence or the desire to address it in an adult manner.

Probably a case of "Too little, too late" for Centerpoint from a PR perspective (and make no mistake about it, this is a PR move) but at least it's something in terms of grid resiliency. 

Ever seen a self-fulfilling prophecy? It seems no one in America really wants a civil war, except for Hollywood and the media.

I mean, you distribute thousands of contraceptives, then you kick people out for dressing inappropriately?

And finally.....

This is either a big thing, or a tempest in a teapot. Time will tell us which. (And I'll admit to being unsure at this point)

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