Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy 2024!!!!

 Well, we made it through 2023. Despite, at times, it's best attempts at foiling us.

2024 is starting off with some promise. Michigan is in the CFP final, it's looking like my cardiac issues are going to be not much of anything, and I'm just going to have to get used to the health challenges that come with being on the North side of 50.

Which means, as you can imagine, all of the usual New Year's Resolutions (get healthy, exercise more, etc. etc.) but also an eye forward to a LOT of change this year. And I'm talking about BIG life changes, not just the little, insignificant things that we poke at.

I'll be sharing a little bit more about those things in the months to come.

For now though let's just be happy that we've made it to another year and that we can all, just, still find a good burger no matter where we travel in the USA.

Good wishes.

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