Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Noise Machine (10/27/10)

Your loss does not mean that American Democracy is on life support.....

The Apple Dumpling Gang has taken to questioning American Democracy as it looks more and more like a large majority of their endorsed candidates are going to lose and lose badly. Of course, the problem can't be with them right?

BigJolly (David Jennings) is against Prop 1 and Prop 3. Click the links and go read why.

Manufacturing is dying in America only if you believe that unions = manufacturing. In non-union States things are moving along quite well.

"I received complaints of voter intimidation" is shaping up to be the political equivalent of a tainted supplement when politicians are caught doing something wrong. Never mind that there hasn't been much hard evidence of said intimidation, only rumors and reports. You'd think in today's society some enterprising person would have snuck a hidden camera in to document all of this right? Until then, we'll continue to have politicians using this as an effective excuse to flaunt anti-electioneering rules under the guise of protecting democracy. (If the idea of a politician doing anything to protect democracy gives you a chuckle.....)

New DNA lab? $4.8 Million. I'm assuming it won't be as cool as the CSI: Wherever labs?

Bye Chet.

Our Attorney General candidates have found social media, of course, Radnofsky doesn't have the financial backing to do much more. Abbott's commercial proves one thing: He's savvy enough of a politician to understand when NOT to mention your opponent. (When they're trailing you by at least 20 pts in all polls)

I wonder if Mostyn is going to file a lawsuit at the Dallas Morning-News now?

Smart. Not to mention mildly amusing.

Looking at this story about the Maldonado/Gonzales State Rep dispute got me to wondering what the projections are for the Texas House? The Tribune did a fund-raising review but I haven't seen any projections. May have to work on that. (No promises) If you've seen one can you pass it my way please?

Didn't the HCRP sue the Republican and Green Parties for this very same thing?

Today's Perry press release, in advance, so you can impress your friends.

Texas Watchdog takes a look at High speed rail stimulus funding. Mark Lisheron does a good job relating the tortured history of high-speed rail in Texas, you should go give this a read.

TW also gives us a preview of the proposed City of Houston ethics rules. That these modest safeguards (a $20 annual fee to be a lobbyist for example) are considered progress shows you just how "Houston Way" Houston government currently is.

White's backers are Now relying on Politifarce to make their case. The projected Perry margin of victory gets larger and larger every day. (In defense of the Austin American-Statesman however, I'm sure they have a significant investment in Politifarce, so they feel obligated to use it, no matter how opinionated or truthy its "facts" turn out to be.)

The Wall Street Journal does the Rick Perry profile thing. Very positive toward Perry or, to use another word: dreck. (Pieces like this are bad when ChronBlog does them, and worse when a real news organization such as the WSJ decides it needs fluff-filler. Boo.)

And finally......

The Bill White Texas Tribune fires their last shot for White......Ah well, campaigns aren't their strong suit anyway. They'll do a much better job covering the actual election and Lege session I'm sure.

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