Tuesday, September 17, 2024

News Round-Up (09/17/2024)

Don't mess with Israel Wow.

Their problem seems to be more with them than Texas. The media loves to hold up these situations as there being something wrong with Texas.  No, clearly there is something wrong with Californians.

Nope. This artificial food trend needs to stop.

Given the growing number of people who believe property is theft. This can only end badly.

Ragweed sucks. If you're not afflicted by it, good on you. I, for one, am miserable.

I'm old enough to remember when the Chron itself gushed about Annise Parker conquering homelessness in Houston. Apparently, not so much. Of course, it was never really eradicated, just moved out of the areas where wealthy, white, liberals lived to live and play.  Our of sight, out of mind one guesses.

The story of PlazAmericas, the former Sharpstown Mall, is a rare, good story in Houston right now. In a city desperately needing something good to point to as everything is turning to shit.

In a city that cannot fund waste collection, is this really a prudent expenditure? And yes, before you say anything, I realize this is TIRZ spending, and not coming from the City Coffers. However, it should also serve as a call to re-examine TIRZ altogether.

The public battle between Hidalgo, Ellis and Garcia is about to get nasty thanks to Barbie Robinson. Rodney Ellis and Lina Hidalgo want Adrian Garcia gone so, so badly.

I had no plans to watch this show. Seems my instincts were right.

Could it be....Satan? Or just the horrid people that have a certain lack of moral compass that it takes to survive in American politics today?

The politicization of Science is not a good thing. In fact, it might represent the end of actual science as we know it. It will soon become weaponized.

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