Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Noise Machine (11/03/09)

Dis is de part on Sprockets when we vote....

The media lives for election day. ChronBlog's got itself a cluttered, hard-to-read election page set up. A lot of information there (about 1/2 third party) if you care to sort through it. *The link to the candidates social media feeds is nice, as is the links to various blogs*

TV News jumps in on the act as well, covering the news from all angles.

As is their custom, The ChronBlog Caucasian Think-Tank waxes parental admonishing Bayou Citians to get out there and practice their civic duty.

Meanwhile, Kevin Whited reminds voters of the sophisticated party needs of today's political hobby blogger. *Some sandwiches would be nice, maybe burgers?*

Trying to find a Republican blog doing local in Houston is like looking for the Yeti. Think about that the next time you hear them complain about a lack of balance on local issues. *Well, pay attention then*

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles.....

The fun surrounding the Tea Parties is often in the signs....and the Democratic response to them. *Today's show: "Show me where someone has broken the Constitution!"* (Lesson learned: Constitutional outrage is a partisan value)

2nd lesson learned: Your lunatic fringe is their principled opposition and vice/versa.

1 comment:

Kevin Whited said...

** ChronBlog's got itself a cluttered, hard-to-read election page set up. **

Isn't that the truth?

They devote a LOT of resources to online -- have for YEARS -- and they still can't put together a clean, informative topical page.

On the other hand, Texas Tribune has put together a beautiful, clean, informative site FOR NEWSIES in just a few months. Hearst-Houston should really take note and try to copy.

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